The Advantage of a Pre-Owned Airstream

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The Advantage of a Pre-Owned Airstream

The numbers speak for themselves!

The Airstream brand has been synonymous with quality, longevity and iconic design for over 90 years. The other aspect that customers have in mind when discussing Airstream is that they are very expensive and out of range for some RVers budgets.

But what if I told you that you could be towing an Airstream for less than our least expensive new trailers that we have in stock at present. 

Yes, it's true. Ours smallest Gulfstream products start at around $32,000 and we have pre-owned Airstream inventory starting less than that!


What we call the Airstream advantage is the simple fact that this brand stands the test of time and retains market value like no other travel trailer on the market. As prices of new Airstreams have risen with rising production costs and with the value of the Canadian buck falling, folks have seen like never before, the wisdom of buying their Airstream as a pre-owned unit. And for the seller of an Airstream, many folks retain the majority, or all of their original investment. (depending on the year and model)

Often the best plan is to determine what your budget is for your next travel trailer, and then find a pre-owned Airstream in that price point.

At Can-Am RV Centre we make sure that the pre-owned unit that you purchase is in great shape, super clean, and ready for you to hit the road. And unlike other brands with graphics and colours that will look dated within a number of years, the Airstream aesthetic is timeless and very hard to discern if an Airstream is 5,15 or 25 years old. I am towing a 2005 Airstream that blends very nicely into the flock of brand new units when I have it at the dealership. No trailer envy here!


We have flexible financing and inventory of pre-owned Airstreams that range from only less than a year old to 35 years old, all ready to fulfill your travel dreams.

Did I mention that the aerodynamic design of Airstream means that your options for tow vehicle are vast? You likely have what you need to tow an Airstream in your driveway right now! And fuel consumption is 25% better with an Airstream. When you are finally taking your Cross-Canada, Epic,Travel Adventure that really helps a lot!


So Click Here to see our inventory


Our Pre-Owned inventory is always changing, so make sure you call if you are after something specific.

At this time of year, with uncertain weather conditions, our sales staff is happy to put a hold on something that you are coming to see. 

With a history of over 90 years of innovation and quality, an Airstream travel trailer may very well be the best decision you can make for your RV lifestyle.

Contact the sales department today to have a stroll through our extensive selection of Pre-Owned Airstreams.



Ready to Play the Airstream Identification Game?



The six pre-owned listings shown here vary in age from 1990 to 2023. Take a guess of the year of the Airstream and then click on the photo to see how close you are!


We have approximately 40 pre-owned Airstream on site and more coming in weekly. So check back regularly.


