Awning Wash
Airstreams use what’s called a Zip Dee Awning. Zip Dee’s are different from standard trailer awnings and need to be washed in a specific wash. The soap used on them is either the Zip Dee Awning Wash or Ivory Snow. Never use general wash soap on a Zip Dee.
Wet down the awning rinsing any loose debris away. Scrub the awning using the Awning/Roof brush. This is a very soft brush that will not damage the awning. Usually this is best done starting at one side and then done in sections, rinsing in-between. Make sure to wash both sides of the awning.
When the awning wash is completed, always make sure to leave it out until it is completely dry. Not doing so will result in Mold, Mildew and Stains in the fabric.
Note: When washing the underside of an awning it’s always best to wear eye protection as soap and water may drip off. It’s also helpful when washing the underside to tie a rag halfway down the brush handle so any water running down won’t go directly into your armpit (This can be extremely uncomfortable and cold!!).
For more information about maintaining your Zip Dee Awning go to the Zip Dee website: http://www.awningsbyzipdee.com/maintenance-instructions---manual-awning.html